Why we choose Duck eggs over Chicken Eggs
Kacie SikvelandShare
I want to show another side of our farm today as we grow more than just crops here at 41 Grains. To feed our family quality food we raise animals too and one of the main animals we have on our farmstead is Ducks!! Many people don't realize that ducks lay eggs just like chickens and that ducks eggs are a very good and nutritious option.
Duck eggs are often considered "better" than chicken eggs for a few reasons, although the preference really depends on personal taste and dietary needs. Here are some of the reasons why duck eggs might be preferred by some:
1. Richer Flavor and Nutritional Profile
- Duck eggs have a richer flavor compared to chicken eggs. They have a more robust taste, which some people find more satisfying in dishes like baking or scrambled eggs.
- Nutritionally, duck eggs tend to be larger than chicken eggs and are higher in fat, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain more vitamins and minerals, like B12, selenium, and vitamin D.
2. Better for Baking
- The higher fat content in duck eggs makes them a preferred option for baking. They can help create fluffier, richer baked goods, like cakes and pastries.
- Because they usually larger they also have more egg white which helps with getting more rise or fluff out of your reciepes.
3. Thicker Shell and Better Preservation
- Duck eggs have thicker shells compared to chicken eggs, which gives them a longer shelf life. This also makes them more resilient during transportation and storage.
- Thank goodness for a thicker shell because ducks will lay eggs anywhere so it helps protect them till I can gather eggs each day. Mine like to lay them out in the corral where the cows and horses are..... just right out in the middle of the corral.
4. Less Likely to Cause Allergies for Some People
- Duck eggs are sometimes less likely to trigger allergic reactions compared to chicken eggs, especially for people who have a sensitivity to the proteins found in chicken eggs. This is because duck eggs have a different protein structure.
- Specifically, duck eggs contain slightly different forms of ovalbumin (the primary protein in eggs), which may not trigger the same allergic response in people who are allergic to chicken eggs.
- However, this does not mean that duck eggs are completely free from allergens, as some people may still be allergic to them. But for certain individuals with chicken egg allergies, switching to duck eggs can sometimes be a safe alternative.
Raising ducks vs. chickens can be a great decision depending on your needs, goals, and available space. Here are some benefits of raising ducks compared to chickens:
1. Hardier in Wet Conditions
- Ducks: Ducks are generally more resilient to wet and cold weather. They have waterproof feathers and can thrive in muddy or rainy environments. This makes them easier to manage in areas with frequent rain or damp conditions.
- Chickens: Chickens, on the other hand, are less tolerant of wet and cold environments. They can get sick if exposed to prolonged dampness, which means you'll need to provide dry, sheltered areas for them.
2. Better for Eggs in Certain Climates
- Ducks: Ducks tend to lay eggs more consistently in cooler climates. I will have my ducks egg production slow down in winter mostly after drastic tempature changes for a day or two and then they are right back it, it never just completly shuts off. And for reference we live in Eastern Montana it is cold and windy here in the winter.
- Chickens: Chickens, especially certain breeds, can also be prolific layers but may slow down in egg production during winter or hot weather.
3. Natural Pest Control
- Ducks: Ducks are excellent at controlling pests like snails, slugs, and certain insects. Their foraging habits can help keep your garden or yard free of these pests. The first time I had ducks I got them specifically to keep the bugs down in our pig pens and it worked amazing hardly any bugs or flies in the pens at all. We had a few years of grasshopper invasions in our area and the barn area hardly had any grasshoppers, the ducks sure didn't need much feed those couple of years.
- Chickens: While chickens are also great for eating bugs, they don’t tend to target the same types of pests as ducks, such as slugs and snails.
4. Manure Benefits
- Ducks: Duck manure is considered more "potent" compared to chicken manure. It's high in nitrogen and can be great for fertilizing gardens when composted correctly.
- Chickens: Chicken manure is also a great fertilizer but needs to be composted well due to its high nitrogen content.
5. Less Aggressive and Easier to Handle
- Ducks: Ducks are typically less aggressive than chickens, especially when it comes to pecking and territorial behavior. They're often friendlier and more social, which can make them easier to manage for beginner farmers or families with children.I have never had a duck attack me in the 10 years I have been raising them there isn't a chicken farmer that can say that....
- Chickens: Chickens can sometimes be more aggressive, especially hens during the laying season. Roosters, in particular, can be territorial and more difficult to handle. As a kids we raised chickens and there was always that one chicken that would come at you as soon as you walked into the pen.
6. Meat Production
- Ducks: Duck meat is considered a delicacy in many cultures, and some people prefer it to chicken meat for its rich flavor and higher fat content. Ducks generally grow slower than chickens, but they can be a great option for those looking to diversify their meat sources. We are still learning about how to butcher and cook duck meat it is different in both aspects than chickens so be aware if you have never done it before.
- Chickens: Chickens are faster-growing and typically yield more meat per bird compared to ducks. They’re easier to process and more widely raised for meat production.
7. Unique Personalities and Enjoyment
- Ducks: Ducks are often seen as more entertaining and charming because of their quirky behavior and social nature. They enjoy swimming and interacting with each other, making them fun to watch. My favorite things to do is to clean my ducks pool and fill with fresh water and watch them play in it they love it and it just melts the stress of the day away.
- Chickens: Chickens also have unique personalities but tend to be less interactive with humans than ducks. They can be independent and sometimes less engaging.
8. Space Requirements
- Ducks: Ducks require access to water (like a pond, kiddie pool, or large containers), which adds to their space requirements. While they don’t need large pastures, they do need a safe place to swim, especially in hot weather. I also suggest ensuring they have more space for your own sanity, they can be very messy if they are in too small of a space and you will find your self cleaning their pan constantly. So make sure they have plenty of outside space for them to roam.
- Chickens: Chickens need less water access and generally require less space than ducks. Their primary needs are a dry coop, a secure run, and space to forage.
9. Quieter
- Ducks: Ducks can be quieter than chickens, depending on the breed. While they may quack, it’s usually not as loud or frequent as a rooster’s crowing, making ducks potentially better for more noise-sensitive areas. Now that isn't to say they are quiet all the time and females are louder than their males counterparts. They do get to making alot of noise when they get fresh water to play in! Which adds to the fun of watching them splash around!
- Chickens: Roosters can be noisy, especially in the early morning, and can be disruptive if you live in a more urban or suburban environment. Hens are quieter but still make some noise when laying eggs.
On our farm I only have ducks and I love them!! They are cute, nice and give us plenty of eggs for my family and a few other families in the area with chicken egg allergies. Because of the positive experience that I have had with our ducks vs the bad experiences I had as a kid with mean chickens I am a solid duck momma and have zero desire to get chickens. Everyone is different but I think many people don't know the great benefits of having ducks so I wanted to showcase another aspect of our family farm today.
So as spring is fast coming up just some food for thought in whether to get chicken or ducks.